Welcome to the Bates Auction website!
a note from the Auction chairs

The Bi-Annual Auction is one of our school's primary fundraisers.  All funds raised go towards providing our school with the additional programs and opportunities above and beyond what the school system can provide.

Many months of hard work and preparation went into this event, and as you will see in the catalog, contributions as well.  We are excited that the Wild About Bates Auction is finally here. Our school community, business community and businesses beyond have all made this event possible and we are
grateful to them.  

We have a fun evening planned (see schedule below) which includes a photo booth, wine pull, take it or leave it board, silent auction, slide presentation
live auction and dancing; (remember to wear your dancing shoes.) 

And now for the much anticipated Auction Catalog.  Please note that in an effort to be green, the catalog will only be online.  There are many wonderful items to choose from at various price points so we hope you find something fabulous to take home. Click on the Online Catalog link to the left to view the catalog.

 Here's to a wildly successful event.  
We hope you join us!

Molly Cote and Johanna Murray



We would like to especially thank the following people that have gone above
and beyond in helping us with the auction.  

Elise Adler, Kristin Donahue, Jacqui Martell, Jody Klessel, Jen Patriacca,
Moira Lown, Shelley McHale, Diana Goober, Debi and Steven Laster,
Connie Burton, Sheila Olson, Lee Salerno
and Chris Georgenes for creating our adorable penguins.

Thank you!


Special thank you to those that donated wine for the Wine Pull:

Culhane Family, Sacher Family, Nine East Wine Emporium
Cook Family, Lown Family, King Family, Roberts Family, Demeo Family,
Paul Family, Thompson Family, Frank Family, McGraw Family,
Olson Family, Ayer Family and Koss Family


RSVP at Paperless Post paperless.ly/zBTFYo 

PURCHASE your tickets online at http://batespto.org/AuctionRegistration.aspx
(Online payment option will close on Wed, March 21st at 7pm; 
Tickets will be available at the door.)

Check out the EVENT SCHEDULE below so you know what the evening entails.

Click on the ONLINE CATALOG on the left to take a look at all the wonderful
LIVE & SILENT auction items donated by our families, local businesses and beyond.
Please note that there will not be a printed catalog this year.

Event Information:


Saturday, March 24th at 7:00-12:00 am


271 Wellesley Ave
Knight Auditorium, Babson College


Parents/Guardians of Students and our wonderful Bates Faculty & Staff


An Auction and Party with a Cash Bar, Hors d'oeuvres, Dessert and Dancing! Dress Code is smart casual.


Your participation! Come to the event and bid on the incredible donations given so generously by families, local businesses and beyond.


To raise money for the Bates PTO so that we can continue providing the programs and enhancements to the school that enrich the lives of our children including Creative Arts & Sciences and Raz Kids.

Event Schedule:

 7 pm

 Register and pick up drink tickets purchased online. Tickets will also  be  available for purchase at the door. Parent  admission is $50 per  person; Faculty  admission is  complimentary. Credit  cards are the  preferred form of  payment.  Checks  will be accepted.

7-9 pm
Photo Booth

Capture the evening with your friends by one of Wellesley's talented portrait photographers, Nancy Carbonaro.
Wine Pull

Try your luck at taking home a nice bottle of wine.  Each chance is $20; you are guaranteed a $20 bottle of wine and might be lucky enough to pull one worth $150!

Take It or Leave It

On this board, you will find gift cards available to purchase at face value. 

7-8:45 pm
Silent Auction

With 80 items, we hope you find something. There are camps, getaways, golf outings, sports tickets and more.

9 pm
Live Auction 

Which one do you want badly enough? The prize will go to the highest bidder.  

9:30 pm 
Paddle Raiser

Here you have an opportunity to contribute to our wish list of adding 24 additional laptops to our school.  We currently have 24 that are shared among all the classrooms.  Rarely does one class have an opportunity to have laptops for every student.  Will you help us make it happen?

10 pm-12 am


Event Image

Thank you to our Corporate Sponsors!